Disgraced Based in Feudal Japan, Disgraced allows you to assume the role of a soldier who was reluctantly conscripted into the newly proclaimed Shogun's army. Serving a corrupt and tyrannical government, you're expected to follow orders and commit terrible atrocities. Torn between duty and justice, you must choose your own path, and forge your own destiny.
Disgraced is a role playing game that follows a fictional storyline based on real events. Your character will participate in a resistance movement determined to bring freedom and justice to Japan.
Disgraced puts you in control of your own rebellion! Using whatever resources and funds that are available to you, build, manage, and upgrade your very own rebel faction!
- Fictional Story Based on Real Events
- Character Creation, & Development
- Open Class Leveling System
- Dynamic Story & Decision System
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Freebies like this appear under the "Showcase" tab. Select the game on the left side. Below the game's banner on the right side, click a button with a Windows logo to download a zip file. Unzip the entire contents into a folder (wherever you like). Open that folder, and run the executable to play the game.